The President of the Région Grand Est, has set priorities for the regional mandat:
Youth, employment and training
Primary concern of citizens, the Grand Est mobilises all its resources to support businesses and boost economic activity in the region.
Because the Grand Est is a young region, our ambition is to offer every young person the best conditions to achieve their potential and thrive in the Grand Est.
Facilitate the daily life of the inhabitants, develop intermodality, ensure connections between our areas, connect them to the main European transport links: mobility is a priority of the Grand Est.
Through its four borders that open it to Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium, the Grand Est is today the most European of the regions of France, a strength to promote.
Areas and proximity
The Grand Est is rich in the diversity of its urban and rural areas. To be stronger together, the Region acts in close partnership with municipalities, inter-communalities and departments.
The policies carried out by the Région Grand Est
Grand Est performance : employment and training objectives
1st public financier and pilot of vocational training, the Région Grand Est has defined its Regional Strategy for Technical and Vocational Education and Training for employment.
This is the Regional Plan Contract for the development of vocational training and guidance (CPRDFOP). Objective: that each inhabitant of the Grand Est can have access to a quality offer in terms of training and professional guidance.
Pact for rurality
The Région Grand Est commits to its rural areas through a Rural Initiatives Fund, works for access to very high speed connections for everyone, support for heritage restoration projects in accordance with historical monuments, support for agriculture and structuring aid for municipalities.
The Pact for Rurality aims to support, develop and enhance all rural areas in their diversity. It also aims to strengthen the links and development synergies between urban and rural areas of the Grand Est.
Balance and attractiveness of the areas
Leader in land use planning, in 2016 the Région Grand Est launched the development of the Regional Scheme on Territorial planning and Sustainable Development (SRADDET). It is a 2050 strategy for the development and sustainable development of the Grand Est. This strategy was designed and developed by the Région Grand Est but was co-built with all its partners (local authorities, state, energy, transport and environment players, associations and so on). This strategy is cross-sector: land, transport and mobility planning, climate-air-energy, biodiversity – water and prevention – waste management.
Economic recovery : Business Act
Business Act is based on an unprecedented economic offensive, taking into account the expectations and needs of businesses and the specificities of all the areas. Businesses are at the heart of the regional strategy with, for the main challenges, competitiveness, the modernisation of production tools, increase in added value and benefits in terms of employment.
6 tourist destinations
- Champagne,
- Ardenne,
- Lorraine,
- The Vosges,
- Alsace
- Moselle
The desire of the Région Grand Est is to implement an ambitious regional tourism policy, by developing new tourism centres, a true concentration of economic and heritage cultural tourism activities while ensuring the urban/rural area balance.
The emergence of this new regional tourism policy appears to be a major challenge both in terms of tourist and economic attractiveness, and participation in the definition of a real image of the Grand Est. Learn more