The Grand Est regional council has 169 elected members. The Plenary Assembly, which brings together the 169 elected councillors, holds 4 to 5 meetings a year, with a session necessarily devoted to the examination and voting of the community budget, a political act which sets the main priorities for regional action.
The Regional Council delegates some of its powers to the Standing Committee. Chaired by Franck Leroy, President of the Regional Council, it has 56 members and meets once a month, in a public session, to implement regional policies in accordance with the decisions adopted in Plenary Assembly and after opinion of the 15 specialised committees. The Standing Committee deliberates regularly on all questions submitted by the President and allocates the appropriations entered in the budget.
The Committees study the dossiers that come under the different regional competences and put forward their views to the President of the Region.
15 thematic committees have been formed :
- The Finance Committee
- The International Relations Committee
- The Committee on Transport, Travel and Infrastructure
- The Vocational Training Committee
- The Committee on Sustainable High School and Education
- The Economic Development Committee
- The Higher Education, Research and Innovation Committee
- The Commission on Territories
- The Environment Commission
- The Agriculture, Viticulture and Forestry Commission
- The Culture and Memory Commission
- The Tourism Commission
- The Health, Solidarity and Citizenship Commission
- The Sport and Youth Commission
- The Mountain, Rurality, Local Heritage and Landscape Heritage Commission
4.5 billion euros in 2024 : A historical budget to ensure a successful transition !
The Grand Est Region adopted during the Plenary Session of December 2023, its 2024 budget of nearly 4,5 billion euros.
The 2024 budget voted for :
The determination to invest both to provide concrete solutions in response to the needs of local residents and to innovate for the future.
The region’s track record and actions show that managing resources is the key to investment. For 2024, the Grand Est Region intends to mobilise €1.9 billion in investment credits, compared with €1.63 billion in 2023 (compared with €1.43 billion in 2022, which was already an unprecedented amount), with a view to supporting the major projects needed to make a success of the transitions. This increase places the Grand Est among the top 5 regions investing the most.
The major budgetary trends for the coming year are based on four main priorities:
- revitalising rural areas
- accelerating transformations linked to climate change
- reindustrialisation
- developing mobility
Green budget
The Region has been voluntarily committed to a Green Budget for 3 years. Of the total 2024 budget (€4.5 billion), nearly 80% of expenditure (€3.6 billion) has been analysed. As well as measuring climate impact, the Region is also measuring the consequences that its policies have on biodiversity.
Building tomorrow’s industry and agriculture
In the businesses and farms of the Grand Est region, practices are changing in favour of new habits. The Region’s ambition is to see processes evolve, decarbonise and relocate in order to move towards a more sustainable and virtuous model.
In 2024, the Region is devoting €335 million, including €212.8 million in investment to transform, re-industrialise and relocate. The aim is to turn economic change into opportunity. Re-industrialising the region is one of the first objectives. With 256,000 industrial jobs, the Grand Est is one of the top 4 most attractive regions for foreign investment.
The past year has seen a number of major projects for the region’s economy come to fruition, including Parkes, Liebherr, Holosolis, Clarins and Lilly France. “The 500 relocations” plan (by 2028) is also encouraging companies to set up or redeploy their activities in the Grand Est region.
In the agricultural and wine-growing sectors, the Region is also committed to taking account of the new ecological and energy challenges, and has set itself the target of involving 50% of farms in a transition process that combines food quality, increased competitiveness and decarbonisation. “The Ambition Éleveurs” programme illustrates this ambition to make livestock farming an innovative and attractive sector of activity, with long-term roots in the Grand Est region. Its aims are to restore confidence in livestock farming, offer prospects for the livestock farming profession and establish mixed farming as one of the solutions to today’s challenges.
Sustainability is also the watchword that applies to the Region’s tourism and cultural policies: developing the offer around local tourism, repositioning aid for tourist accommodation in line with ecological criteria, developing sustainable mobility around tourist sites, developing a cultural offer that is accessible to everyone, everywhere, and so on.
Taking action to tackle climate change
To move away from fossil fuels, the Region is committing €262.7 million in 2024, including €155.7 million in investment, with the aim of tripling the use of clean, sustainable energy by 2050.
Spearheading this ambition, the “Grand Est Région Verte” collective initiative, launched with the State last July, will be illustrated by concrete actions to meet everyday needs: housing, food, transport, production, consumption and conservation.
To give everyone the means to take action, the Region will also be stepping up energy renovations, using the Oktave and Climaxion tools for example, and continuing its programme to preserve biodiversity and water resources with Life Biodiv’Est.
Involving all the players and inhabitants of the Grand Est in the environmental cause means leaving no region isolated. Fairness and attractiveness are the pillars of the Pacte pour les Ruralités (Pact for Rural Areas) launched in 2024, which aims to give rural areas the capacity to bounce back by improving their living environment: environment, access to services, training and healthcare, jobs, safety, etc.
Decarbonising transport
With more than €1.67 billion, including €592.4 million in investment, the 2024 budget for transport is historically high and reflects a strong ambition: to make transport the primary lever of a zero-carbon strategy.
The Region is giving priority to rail. The passenger transport offer will be based on a new contract with SNCF Voyageurs signed for a period of ten years (2024-2033), with the aim of improving the quality of service on the TER network. The Region will also be pursuing its policy of boosting rail services, particularly on local lines (+ €27 million in 2024), which provide opportunities for sustainable mobility for all residents in all regions.
The unprecedented volume of investment for 2024 also responds to other regional priorities: facilitating travel, transforming mobility and accelerating the ecological transition. The implementation of the Bicycle Plan and the roll-out of metropolitan express services (SERM) are examples of this. Not forgetting expenditure on road transport for schools, which has increased by almost 6%, in particular to acquire buses running on NGV fuel.
Preparing the skills of tomorrow
To train the skills of tomorrow, a 2024 budget of €1.178 billion, including €348.5 million in investment, has been earmarked for youth, employment and training. In particular, it addresses the needs of strategic industries, with an emphasis on supporting retraining in key sectors such as the automotive, nuclear, sustainable construction, health, environment and digital sectors.
In the health and social care sector, for example, almost 9,000 professionals a year need to be recruited between now and 2030 in order to maintain the quality of care on offer in all regions.
One of the Region’s priorities is to highlight the occupations of the future and those in short supply, in order to encourage new generations to take up these promising jobs and to encourage people to take them up. Equal opportunities are at the heart of the Region’s concerns: it promotes the integration of people who are furthest from employment (women in rural areas, young girls in technical occupations, senior citizens, young people who have dropped out of school, etc.), enables secondary school students to access all the training courses they need, and encourages the development of new skills. More broadly, for young people, it facilitates access to housing, independence, transport, etc.
Download the 2024 budget presentation (french version)