A varied and multidisciplinary offer
The Grand Est receives more than 200,000 students in 5 universities awarding bachelor’s degrees to master’s degrees (Bac+3 to Bac+5) (University of Reims Champagne Ardenne, University of Technology of Troyes, University of Lorraine, University of Upper Alsace and University of Strasbourg ranked in the top 150 places in the Shanghai 2017 ranking) and in around fifty leading engineering, business, art and design and architecture schools, 18 of which are from universities.
The Region also has a large professionalised teaching offer with 15 IUT (University Institute of Technology) and 56 health training institutions as well as 154 high schools also offering sections of BTS (advanced technician’s certificate) (Bac+ 2).
In addition to this are 5 administration and law schools, including Sciences Po Strasbourg (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg) and two Science Po Paris campuses in Reims and Nancy as well as 3 university hospitals.
The Region represents 7.7% of the metropolitan workforce and ranks 5th in the French regions. It ranks 2nd after Ile-de-France, for the number of engineering schools and 3rd for the number of schools of architecture.
Among the 200,000 students, 13,000 are enrolled in engineering training courses, which represents 9.3% of the national numbers in this area, a great opportunity for the second industrial region of France (excluding Ile-de-France).
An attractive internationally oriented training offer
The Grand Est enjoys strong international attractiveness of its institutions and more particularly cross-border institutions with EUCOR-the European Campus and the University of the Greater Region.
The region has prestigious higher education institutions with international influence/partnerships such as the International Space University in Illkirch or the branch of Atlanta University, Georgia Tech Lorraine in Metz.
Campus for Science Po in the Grand Est
In the Grand Est, the Nancy and Reims campuses are involved in nearly 90% of the double international bachelor degrees offered by Science Po.
The Reims campus is developing partnerships with institutions of excellence such as Columbia University and the University of California, Berkeley. The Nancy campus is orienting its training towards the German-speaking world, particularly with the Freie Universität Berlin.
Fully aware of the excellence that the two Science Po campuses convey in the area, the Region supports their development to the tune of more than €1m per year in addition to the housing project of the Reims campus.
Science Po Reims
Science Po Nancy
In addition to these two campuses, the IEP Strasbourg, with its 1,500 students, 20% of whom are foreigners, offers a training programme focused on Europe and the rest of the world, with strong regional roots.
A European School in the heart of the Grand Est : the EEIGM
Thanks to its international training course, the Ecole Européenne d’Ingénieurs en Génie des Matériaux in Nancy is seen as a unique institution allowing each graduate to spend at least one year abroad in their curriculum, (at university, doing a research project or an industrial internship), in addition to two linguistic internships, and to work for three years with students from partner countries to acquire a solid European culture and mastery of four languages (French, English, German, Spanish).
A region that promotes international mobility
The Grand Est has an attractive and multidisciplinary training offer that attracts nearly 26,000 international students, representing 13% of the regional student population.
Added to this is a proactive policy to promote the international mobility of students in order to increase their employability thanks to the ERASMUS programme but also thanks to a dedicated grant policy of €3.6m per year with the aim of supporting the mobility of 6,000 students. Given its strategic position with four borders, the Region grants a financial bonus to cross-border mobility.
Innovative pooling initiatives
Pooling initiatives exist for players in the Grand Est to meet the needs of industries : for example, the one related to the Industry of the Future led by AlsaceTech or ARTEM, the alliance of 3 Grandes Ecoles (Nancy School of Art and Design / École nationale supérieure d’art et de design de Nancy, ICN Business School and the Nancy School of Engineering / Mines Nancy) on the same campus of excellence in the heart of Nancy and receiving more than 3,500 students by offering shared and multidisciplinary training courses to meet the increasingly complex needs of companies.
Student entrepreneurship and professional integration
The Region hopes that student entrepreneurship will develop and provides financial support for actions enabling students to prepare for their integration into working life by promoting the development of their professional network.